Regular dental hygiene visits are important!Motivating patients to take ownership of their oral health by establishing and maintaining good home care practices and regular dental hygiene visits are the primary focus of our hygiene program. Establishing regular appointments with your favorite dental hygienist at 3, 4 or six-month intervals reinforces your home care, helps us detect problems in the early stages and helps you maintain optimum oral health. Your Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH) works closely with your dentist to manage your care. Your dental hygiene visit includes:

  • Oral cancer screening
  • Periodontal charting to measure pocket depths (adults)
  • Scaling the tooth surfaces to remove plaque (soft) and calculus (hard) deposits
  • Root planing for treatment of periodontal disease
  • Fluoride treatments
  • Digital x-rays for accurate diagnosis
  • Sealants
  • Patient education and use of dental aids

Keep your smile for a lifetime

Young or old the fundamentals of a healthy, attractive smile are the same. Brush and floss at least twice a day, eat a proper diet and see your Registered Dental Hygienist on a regular basis.